heRo3 Power Tools

Skills Used:UX/UI Design|User Research|Creative Process|Problem Solving|Figma

As the primary UX designer, I led the development of a group of new features for the heRo3 modeling app, aiming to address challenges posed by the existing use of brightly colored "pills" to identify datatypes. This initiative was vital to enhancing usability and accessibility within the application.


The challenge involved reimagining datatype identification within heRo3. The existing brightly colored pills, while visually distinct, presented implementation, accessibility, and usability issues. Our task was to design an alternative solution that improved user experience without sacrificing functionality.


Our research encompassed exploring best practices for datatype representation and gathering user feedback. As we delved deeper, we expanded the scope of the project to include additional features such as an object inspector, syntax highlighting, color consolidation, and a trace feature, all aimed at enhancing data identification.

Initial research involved finding alternatives to communicate and display subtle indicators in dense tabular structures.


Through iterative review cycles and frequent stakeholder presentations, we refined our concepts to meet evolving business requirements. Recognizing the under-scoped nature of the initial challenge, we expanded our efforts to create a comprehensive solution.

A secondary research phase focused on tab elements that could be used to display several additional data points without consuming additional horizontal space within the product.
Datatypes used within the product were consolidated, and colors were re-mapped to reduce user confusion and assist with quick identification.

Prototyping and Iteration

Creating multiple prototypes was essential due to the increased scope of the project. We ensured coherence among these prototypes while maintaining a seamless UX flow. Real-world data integration and rigorous testing after each review ensured the interoperability of all features.

Our testing process involved gathering feedback from users to validate our designs. Positive feedback, especially regarding the newly introduced trace feature, highlighted the success of our approach and informed further refinements.

An infographic used to show the results of the consolidation and re-map, created to present the design journey to stakeholders.
Several variations of new tabsets, created in Figma and fully prototyped to demonstrate interactions.
A section of the final prototype, presented to users and stakeholders for live testing.

Implementation + Results

Collaboration with developers facilitated the seamless implementation of our designs. Clear communication and regular check-ins ensured alignment with the design vision across all stages of development.

The introduction of the new features significantly enhanced the heRo3 user experience. Positive user feedback, particularly regarding the trace feature, underscored the value of incorporating user-driven enhancements into the application.


Throughout the project, we navigated challenges such as scope management and UX design interdependence. Despite initial concerns about scope creep, our well-structured presentation process successfully guided users through the prototypes, resulting in overwhelmingly positive feedback.

Through meticulous research, design expertise, and effective collaboration, we successfully delivered a suite of features that transformed the heRo3 modeling app. This project not only addressed existing challenges but also set a precedent for future UX designs, reaffirming our commitment to delivering impactful solutions.